Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Latest Deals

Well, I'm back at it this week, after a slow one last week. Yesterday I made a trip to CVS and Office Max.

Today I had a horribly unsuccessful trip to Walgreens which will require some returns.

If I have tomorrow off from work (I'm scheduled to work, but hubby might work for me....) then I will make another CVS run, a Walgreens run and then post pics and updates.

One nice thing about this week is I created a meal plan for the first time. And it has worked out pretty well! I had to make some adjustments because Mike told me he refused to eat chicken kabobs... plus my father-in-law came into town which meant we ate out (on him ofcourse), plus he brought fresh corn :)

But, I have discovered how much it's going to save us money. Last week I shopped with our meal plan in mind. I have tried my hardest to stick to it. And the best part, is I don't have to stand infront of the fridge, with the door wide open, wondering what on earth I should make for dinner... because I already know my options. And I'm not wasting money on buying food that doesn't "go" with other foods. Get it?

Anyways, I'm definitely sticking to planning out my meals. I may even be able to stretch last weeks groceries to a week and a half.

Expect a picture update tomorrow.

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